Tag: winter 2012


The Plan



Hello Sun! by Dayle Ann Dodds
Like a Windy Day by Frank Asch
Maisy’s Wonderful Weather Book by Lucy Cousins
Wow Said the Owl by Peter Hopgood

Extension Activities

Flannelboard: “What’s the Weather?”
What’s the weather, what’s the weather?
What’s the weather, everyone?
Is it windy, is it cloudy?
Is there rain or is there sun?

App: Kid Weather

Action Rhyme: “Rain Is Falling Down” (Tune: Farmer in the Dell)
The rain is falling down, (flutter fingers down)
SPLASH (clap once loudly)
The rain is falling down, (flutter fingers down)
SPLASH (clap once loudly)
Pitter patter pitter patter (tap legs softly)
The rain is falling down, (flutter fingers down)
SPLASH (clap once loudly)
Credit: King County Library System

Song: “Mister Sun”
Oh, Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun
Please shine down on me
Oh, Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun
Hiding behind a tree
These little children are asking you
To please come out so we can play with you
Oh, Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun
Please shine down on me
Credit: Childhood

Song w/ Shakers & Scarves: “Noisy Wind” (Tune: Farmer in the Dell)
I like the noisy wind
I like the noisy wind
It roars and mutters (loud, then soft)
And shakes and shutters (shake eggs)
I like the noisy wind
Credit: Harris County Public Library



This was a weather wheel craft from Oriental Trading. I did a similar version of it for my outreach storytimes in Letter W, but went ahead and ordered this one for the library. Overall, I probably should have just made the teen volunteers cut another set of the homemade version since I think it went over better.

How It Went

This storytime was months and months ago at this point, but I realized that I had never written it up! This was my first time using the iPad in regular morning storytime, and it was pretty awesome to see the kids interacting with the Kid Weather app. All of the extension activities were super fun, and Maisy’s Wonderful Weather book was everyone’s favorite since it’s a pop-up.


The Plan



Fly Blanky Fly by Anne Margaret Lewis
Kiki’s Blanket by Janie Bynum
No More Blanket for Lambkin by Bernette Ford & Sam Williams
Small Bunny’s Blue Blanket by Tatyana Feeney

Extension Activities

Flannelboard: “Ten Teddy Bears”

Action Rhyme: “Oh Me, Oh My”
At breakfast time, milk spilled on my blanket! Oh me, oh my!
Have to wash my blanket and hang it out to dry
(Lunch/peanut butter, snack/banana, dinner/spaghetti)
At bedtime, cookie crumbs dropped on my blanket! Oh me, oh my!
Have to shake my blanket out, no time to wash or dry
I need my blanket, it’s time for beddy bye!
Credit: Perry Public Library

Action Rhyme: “Time For Bed”
Time for bed, time for bed (tap watch on wrist)
Fluff up the pillow (pretend to fluff pillow)
Lay down your head (lay head on hands)
Pull up the blanket (sign “blanket”)
Tuck it in tight (hold hands under chin)
Close your eyes (close eyes and tilt head)
And sleep all night (snore)
Credit: Perry Public Library

Rhyme with Scarves: “I Once Had a Blanket”
I once had a blanket, it was fluffy and new
I once had a blanket, and its color was blue!
I once had a blanket, the prettiest I’ve ever seen
I once had a blanket, and its color was green!
I once had a blanket, soft as a pillow
I once had a blanket, and its color was yellow!
I once had a blanket, at the foot of my bed
I once had a blanket, and its color was red!
Credit: Anne’s Library Life


I recycled my craft from “Letter Q” storytime since it went so well with the kids.

How It Went

I am still so in love with this storytime theme. It was absolutely wonderful and just worked so well with my group. I honestly did not have any misses in any of the books or extension activities. The kids were thrilled when I pulled out the scarves from behind the flannelboard. It was another example of storytime magic!


The Plan



Bears on Chairs by Shirley Parenteau
The Ducking Gets a Cookie by Mo Willems
Llama Llama Time to Share by Anna Dewdney
Oh No, George! by Chris Haughton

Extension Activities

Flannelboard: “All the Little Germs”

Flannelboard: “Thanks a Lot”

Action Rhyme: “Thank You”
My hands say thank you with a clap, clap, clap.
My feet say thank you with a tap, tap, tap.
Clap, clap, clap. Tap, tap, tap.
I turn around, touch the ground,
And with a bow, I say…thank you, now.
Credit: The Complete Book of Rhymes, Songs, Poems, Fingerplays, & Chants by Jackie Silberg

Action Rhyme with Puppets: “Ah-Choo! Ah-Choo!”
Farmer’s nose tingles (point to nose)
Farmer’s nose twitches (wiggle puppet)
And he is going to sneeze!
Ah-choo, ah-choo, ah-choo!
Ah-choo, ah-choo, ah-choo!
(Cow, moo-choo / pig, oink-choo / chicken, bawk-choo)
Credit: Modified from SurLaLune Storytime

Fingerplay: “Thumbkin”
Credit: Childhood



I got this craft from a fellow librarian at Confessions of a Real Librarian! The kids had a great time coloring and their moms loved the reminder to cover our mouths!

How It Went

This was a wonderful storytime theme. I loved all of the extension activities and the books — and it really, really showed by how the kids responded to them. The “Thanks A Lot” flannelboard got a lot of parents all misty-eyed and it took me a few listens to not get misty-eyed, myself! The action rhyme I last used in “Sick” storytime was remembered by a few patrons and the kids were more than happy to help me make animal noises. Their favorite book had to be “Oh, No George!” I think they were delighted to be watching George try to be good.


The Plan



Bear Has a Story to Tell by Philip C. Stead
Hibernation by Margaret Hall
Hibernation Station by Michelle Meadows
Time to Sleep by Denise Fleming

Extension Activities

Flannelboard: “Ouch”

Fingerplay: “Here is a Cave”
Here is a cave. Inside is a bear. (bend fingers on one hand; put thumb inside)
Now he comes out to get some fresh air. (pop out thumb)
He stays out all summer in sunshine and heat.
He hunts in the forest for berries to eat. (move thumb in a circle)
When snow starts to fall, he hurries inside
His warm little cave and there he will hide. (put thumb inside fingers)
Snow covers the cave like a fluffy white rug.
Inside the bear sleeps all cozy and snug. (place one hand over the other)
Credit: King County Library System

Song: “Hibernation” (Tune: “Alouette”)
Hibernation, time for hibernation.
Hibernation, time to go to sleep.
In the winter, where’s the bear?
Sleeping in its log or lair.
Where’s the bear? Log or lair. OH!
In the winter, where’s the frog?
Sleeping by a pond or log.
Where’s the frog? Pond or log. OH!
In the winter, where’s the snake?
In the mud beneath the lake.
Where’s the snake? Beneath the lake. OH!
In the winter, where’s the bat?
In a cave is where it’s at.
Where’s the bat? Cave it’s at! OH!
Credit: Songs for Children

Song & Puppet: “Sleepy Bear” (Tune: Thumbkin)
Where is Bear? Where is Bear?
Here I am. Here I am.
How are you this winter?
Very tired, thank you.
Go to sleep. Go to sleep.
Credit: Preschool Education & Music



At craft, we made a paper bag with a hibernating bear inside! I got this craft from Play Create Explore and you definitely need to check out the amazing photo-by-photo instructions. My teen volunteers had no trouble putting this one together!

How It Went

This was a quieter storytime, which was kind of ironic given the subject matter. The kids liked “Time to Sleep” and “Bear Has a Story to Tell,” but responded mostly to our non-fiction title, “Hibernation!” Seeing the real images of the animals really piqued their interest! And as always, “Sleepy Bear” brought lots of giggles when we woke Bear up over and over to sing the song again.

Socks and Shoes!

The Plan



Dog In Boots by Greg Gormley
Duck Sock Hop by Jane Kohuth
Pete the Cat: Rocking In My School Shoes by Eric Litwin
Which Shoes Would You Choose? by Betsy R. Rosenthal

Extension Activities

Flannelboard: “Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes”

Flannelboard: “Socks Match-Up”

Action Rhyme: “Old Shoes, New Shoes”
Old shoes, new shoes
(Child) is wearing (description) shoes
One, two, three, four
Now I stomp them on the floor!
Credit: Preschool Education

Action Rhyme: “One, Two, Buckle My Shoe”
One, two, buckle my shoe (pretend to tie shoes)
Three, four, shut the door (clap hands)
Five, six, pick up sticks (pretend to pick up sticks)
Seven, eight, lay them straight (pretend to lay them)
Nine, ten, begin again! // That’s the end!
Credit: Childhood

Fingerplay: “Shoes”
(start with hands close together and move them farther apart with each pair)
Baby’s shoes
Child’s shoes
Mother’s shoes
Father’s shoes
Modified from: Youth Literature



Scratch art once again appears! My little kids cannot get enough of this stuff!

How It Went

This was a particularly wonderful storytime for me because it took place during our school system’s winter break. I got to see a lot of kids who had “graduated” from storytime come back with younger siblings. I had a great time hearing about their new classrooms and teachers and friends. The kids LOVED the extension activities and in particular, the fingerplay “Shoes.” During the books I read about teaching them the fingerplay, a lot of the kids played along as Dog tried on different kinds of shoes.


The Plan



Kitten’s First Full Moon by Kevin Henkes
Kitty Cat, Kitty Cat Are You Waking Up? by Bill Martin Jr.
Pete the Cat and the Four Groovy Buttons by Eric Litwin
Posy by Linda Newberry and Catherine Rayner

Extension Activities

Flannelboard: “The Three Little Kittens”

Action Rhyme & Puppets: “Five Little Kittens”
Five little kittens standing in a row
They nod their heads to the children so
They run to the left, they run to the right
They stand up and stretch in the bright sunlight
Along comes a dog, who’s in for some fun
M-e-oooow, see those kittens run!
Credit: Los Angeles Public Library

Fingerplay: “Little Kittens”
Five little kittens (hand in a fist)
All black and white
Sleeping very soundly
All through the night
Meow, meow, meow, meow, meow (raise each finger individually)
It’s time to get up now.
Credit: Pierce County Library

Song: “Soft Kitty”
Soft kitty, warm kitty
Little ball of fur
Happy kitty, sleepy kitty
Purr, purr, purr
Credit: My sister, who is a giant “Big Bang Theory” fan



This adorable stand up cat craft came from All Kids Network. My teen volunteers cut out the body and the head. Kids colored in their cats and glued the pieces together.

How It Went

I was so excited to do this storytime since I really felt like all of the elements that I had chosen were SO AWESOME. And I have to admit that I was very excited to debut the cat puppets and to read some of my favorite books. The kids, as always, LOVED “Pete the Cat” and some of them didn’t even know about his four groovy buttons! “Kitten’s First Full Moon” is a favorite for everyone — a lot of the parents wind up laughing when the kids chime in with me, “Poor Kitten!” Craft time was spent seeing all the very creatively colored cats and touching base with all of the parents after the fall storytime break.