Tag: alsc

ALSC: Five Things I Wasn’t Prepared For…


I wrote a mushy-gushy post that’s full of all the amazing things I wasn’t prepared for when I took over storytime but am so glad I got to know!

ALSC: Keeping Storytime Fresh for You!


Now that we’re heading into summer reading, here’s a few tips on how to keep storytime fresh for you if you’re feeling burned out. Check it out on the ALSC blog.

ALSC: Teaching Early Literacy to Staff


If you wanted more information about the YOLO: Early Lit 101 presentation that I wrote about a few months back, I talked more about the whole presentation on the ALSC blog.

ALSC: Handouts in Storytime


Do you give handouts in storytime? I do and my patrons love it! I wrote about handouts in storytime on the ALSC blog here.

ALSC: A Storytime By Any Other Name


Have you spent long hours talking about what to name your storytimes? I wrote about how my last library named storytime and how my current library re-branded storytime before I arrived in this ALSC post.

ALSC: Documenting Storytime


Tips and tricks to remembering your storytimes in this ALSC all about Documenting Storytime. Click on over here.

ALSC: Speaking Their Language


One of my favorite ALSC posts that I’ve ever written is this one about talking to parents & caregivers when you’re a non-parent.

ALSC: Rotating Storytime Duties!


I wrote about our rotating storytime session “Sunset Stories” last June on the ALSC blog. Click on over.

ALSC: Organizing Storytime!


In May, I wrote about organizing storytime and its materials on the ALSC blog, including links to some solutions. Check it out over here.

ALSC: Unconventional Preparations for Storytime


I wrote down all the secrets preparations that I go through before a storytime. See my confessions at the ALSC blog!