Tag: foam crafts

One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish

The was a program from TWO years ago. I just wanted to make sure to post it during a good time for upcoming Seuss celebrations!

One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish!: a celebration of Seuss for ages 3-7 and their families.


I read an abbreviated version of “One Fish, Two Fish” to start off the program. But personally, I find most Seuss books to be too long for a storytime situation. Then, I pulled out our brand-new (at the time) iPad.


Dr. Seuss apps!
“The Cat In the Hat Camera”
“Dr. Seuss Band”
“Green Eggs and Ham”

Since I knew all the kids would want to play with the iPad the second it appeared, our first app was “Dr. Seuss Band.” It’s kind of like DDR for your finger. The kids had fun making noise, but this app would have been frustrating if I hadn’t spent time ahead unlocking some of the instruments and songs.

Next up, I let the app of “Green Eggs and Ham” play, but I turned the reader off so that I could read the story. The kids were giving me rapt attention, and many of the older ones joined in on the “I will not green eggs and ham, I will not eat them, Sam-I-Am!” chorus.

We took a break from the iPad to play The Lorax flannelboard game. I used a giant blow-up dice for this and the kids had a great time as we built the lorax.

Afterwards, it was time to take pictures with “The Cat In the Hat Camera” app. Lots of goofy face, lots of giggles.

Now, was it necessary to use the apps? No, not really. In previous years, we’ve done pictures with a stand-up Cat In the Hat and kids liked that just as much. But technology in my old library’s community was scarce and a lot of kids weren’t exposed to it at all. This was a chance to let them touch and play with an iPad and get them ready for school.

Craft & Games

The second half of the program involved a lot of options. Kids could decide to go to the table and make a Seuss craft:


Or they could go Dr. Seuss bowling:


Or they could sit down and read some of the few Dr. Seuss books that were in that day. Or they could play The Lorax dice game again. Or take their time and play with the apps.

Almost every kids chose to go bowling first, followed by the craft. A few kids trickled over to me for help with the apps and a few kids went ended up on the storytime rug with their own Dr. Seuss book.

Overall, everyone had a really great time at this program and I had started to plan our Seuss celebration for the next year — including buying “Thing One” and “Thing Two” decals for a co-worker and I to wear. Leaving my old library the week before the 2014 Seuss Celebration was one of the saddest things for me.

But I hope this gives you some ideas for your own Seuss celebration!


The Plan



Boy + Bot by Ame Dyckman
Doug Unplugged by Dan Yaccarino
Junkyard by Mike Austin
Robots, Everywhere by Denny Hebson
Sometimes I Forget You’re a Robot by Sam Brown

Extension Activities

Flannelboard: “Five Noisy Robots”
Five noisy robots in the big toy shop,
Shiny and tall with antennae on the top.
Along came a girl with a penny one day.
Bought a noisy robot and took it away.
(continue with 4, 3, 2, 1 noisy robots)

App: “Toca Robot Lab”

Action Rhyme: “I Am a Robot”
I am a robot (march in place with ‘robot arms’)
I am a robot
Clank Clank (bend forward and back at waist)
Clank Clank (bend side-to-side at waist)
ZZZZZZZrt (Raise arms up while shaking them)
CRASH (Either fall, or ‘lose power’ or clap)
Credit: Future Librarian Superhero

Song: “If You’re a Robot”
If you’re a robot and you know it
Clank your coils (clap hands)
Clunk your gears (stomp feet)
Press your buttons (“Beep beep”)
Credit: Future Librarian Superhero


This was a craft kit from Michaels that I bought on clearance a few years back.

How It Went

Well, it didn’t! This was a planned storytime from before I left my old job. I thought since I did the work and made the plan that I would just go ahead and post it anyways.


The Plan



Bunny Mail by Rosemary Wells
The Day the Crayons Quit by Drew Daywalt
Mail Carriers At Work by Karen Latchana Kenney
The Postman by Rosalinda Kightley

Extension Activities

Flannelboard: “Six Little Valentines”
Six little Valentines were sent to my house,
The first one said, “I love you, From Mouse.”
Five little Valentines in my mailbox,
The second one said, “Be mine, Love Fox.”
Four little Valentines full of love,
The third one said, “You are sweet, From Dove.”
Three little Valentines just for me,
The fourth one said, “Be my honey, Love Bee.”
Two little Valentine’s mailed with care,
The fifth one said, “Here’s a hug, From Bear.”
The last little Valentine, from my friend Jay,
This one said, “Happy Valentine’s Day!”
Credit: Busy Crafting Mommy

Action Rhyme: “Early In the Morning”
Early in the morning at eight o’clock
You can hear the postman knock
Up jumps Ella to open the door
One letter, two letter, three letter, four
Credit: Jbrary

Action Song: Mailing Letters (Tune: “The Mulberry Bush”)
(Write a letter, stamp a letter, mail a letter)
This is the way we mail a letter,
Mail a letter, mail a letter.
This is the way we mail a letter,
So early in the morning.
Credit: A to Z Kids Stuff


This was another Oriental Trading craft kit. The mailboxes open and close and inside I had tucked the letter I had written and had translated for parents that I was leaving the library in two weeks. The storytime was planned months and months ago to coincide right around Valentine’s Day and it came to me as I was going through the job interview process that I needed to find a way to say goodbye — the mailbox was the perfect platform to start the conversation with my families.

How It Went

Thursday morning
I barely remember anything about this storytime since I was so, so nervous to start telling families that I was leaving. I was prepared for tears and angry words and…it was absolutely nothing like that. My families were sad, but happy for me. They had lots of questions about my new library and well wishes and made sure to let me know I’d be missed. That is always what I will remember from this storytime — that outpouring of love and support.

Friday morning
This storytime I remember much better since I didn’t have the jitters from the day before. “Bunny Mail” was the most successful book and they loved the “Early In the Morning” rhyme. As always, this group loves a guessing game and really enjoyed the flannelboard as well.


The Plan



Dino-Football by Lisa Wheeler
Dunk Skunk by Michael Rex
If I Were a Jungle Animal by Tom and Amanda Ellery
Sergio Saves the Game!

Extension Activities

Flannelboard: “Big, Bigger, Biggest”
A little ball, a bigger ball,
And a great big ball I see
Now help me count them,
One, two, three!
Credit: Debmonn PB Wiki

Fingerplay: “Five Little Footballs”
Five little footballs trying hard to score.
One makes a touchdown. (touchdown arms, put one finger down)
Hear the crowd roar! (cheer)
Credit: Storytime With Ms. Kelly

Song: “Take Me Out to the Ballgame”
Take me out to the ballgame
Take me out to the crowd
Buy me some peanuts and crackerjacks
I don’t care if I ever get back
Let’s root, root, root for the home team
If they don’t win, it’s a shame
And it’s one, two, three strikes, you’re out
At the old ballgame!
Credit: Childhood


I ordered both pennants and foam stickers from Oriental Trading and let the kids go crazy. Basically, it was the best kid day ever.

How It Went

Thursday morning
I did this storytime in-between the Super Bowl and the start of the Winter Olympics. The group really enjoyed “Sergio Saves the Game” since I work in a huge soccer fan area. We talked about how soccer is fútbol in the Spanish language, but in America football is a completely different sport.

Friday morning
The kids were SO EXCITED to try and guess the next word in “Dunk Skunk.” There was lots of enthusiastic shouting, which is just how I like my storytimes. This group had a great time playing along with “Five Footballs” and I also had a lot of loud singers during “Take Me Out to the Ballgame.”


The Plan



A Closer Look by Mary McCarthy
Maisy Grows a Garden by Lucy Cousins
Planting a Rainbow by Lois Ehlert
Rah Rah Radishes by April Pulley Sayre

Extension Activities

Flannelboard: “Lunch”

Finger Puppets: “Ten Little Flowers”
One little, two little, three little flowers
Four little, five little, six little flowers
Seven little, eight little, nine little flowers
Ten flowers in the garden
Credit: Modified from Childhood

Action Rhyme: “Dig a Little Hole”
Dig a little hole(dig)
Plant a little seed (drop seed)
Pour a little water (pour)
Pull a little weed (pull up and throw away)
Chase a little bug (chasing motion)
Heigh-ho, there he goes! (shade eyes)
Give a little sunshine (make a sun)
Grow a little rose (smell flower, eyes closed)
Credit: SurLaLune Storytime

Puppets: “There’s Something In My Garden”
There’s something in my garden, now what can it be?
There’s something in my garden that I can’t really see
Hear its funny sound…
A [ANIMAL] is what I found!
Credit: SurLaLune Storytime



This was a pre-packaged craft that I got at Michaels last summer. It had different kinds of flowers in it, but I chose the daisy since daisies are the friendliest flowers. (Points if you got that reference!) It was an okay craft, we did need to pull out glue dots since it wasn’t self-adhesive.

How It Went

Thursday morning
“Something In My Garden” is a magical, magical rhyme. The kids wait with baited breath until the animals come out and surprise them. This was a great theme for the CSLP 2013 Summer Reading theme, “Dig Into Reading!” and the kids this morning really enjoyed both “Planting a Rainbow” and “Maisy Grows a Garden.” Garden!

Friday morning
“Maisy Grows a Garden” was the hit of this group. They were so, so excited to watch me pull the tabs and let the pop-ups loose. I had the kids clap the beat of “Rah Rah Radishes” in this group as I read since they were pretty wiggly throughout the whole storytime. I’m not sure I would recommend that to everyone, as I have a super loud voice and it’s not a problem for me to talk over a group of thirty clapping along, but it was so fun!


The Plan



Book! Book! Book! by Deborah Bruss
Dinosaur vs. the Library by Bob Shea
Lola Loves Stories by Anna McQuinn
Otto the Book Bear by Katie Cleminson

Extension Activities

Flannelboard: “Five Little Books”
Five little books at the library
Five little books as great as can be
Along comes (name) with their library card
To take one home and read
Credit: What Happens In Storytime

Song: “If You’re a Reader and You Know It”
If you’re a reader and you know it, clap your hands
If you’re a reader and you know it, clap your hands
If you’re a reader and you know it and you really want to show it
If you’re a reader and you know it, clap your hands
(shoot hooray, read a book)
Credit: Modified from childhood

Song: “Read, Read, Read a Book” (Tune: Row, Row, Row Your Boat)
Read, read, read a book,
Travel anywhere,
Worldwide, you decide,
A book will take you there.
Read, read, read a book,
Beginning to the end,
What a way to spend the day,
A book’s a special friend!
Credit: Harris County Public Library


I used up leftover foam bookmarks from our supply closet. (Can you tell that I’ve recently been doing some closet cleaning?) I put out a ton of foam shapes and the preschoolers went nuts.

How It Went

This was my storytime for National Library Week. (I know! I’m so behind!) We had a great time talking about getting our first library cards and how much we love coming to the library. It was all pretty heart-melting. The kids really got into roaring along with Dinosaur and making animal noises in “Book, Book, Book.”

Butterflies & Caterpillars

The Plan



Butterfly, Butterfly by Petr Horacek
Peek-a-Bloom by Marie Cirumsanti
Ten Little Caterpillars by Bill Martin Jr.
Waiting for Wings by Lois Ehlert

Extension Activities

Flannelboard: “Butterfly Colors”
The first to come to the garden bed is a lovely butterfly of brilliant RED.
Then in comes another and that makes two. Fly right in, my friend of BLUE.
“The garden is fine, the best I’ve seen,” says the butterfly of softest GREEN.
Our garden needs a sunny fellow, fly on in, butterfly with wings of YELLOW.
Little friend of PURPLE, fly in too. The garden is waiting for a color like you.
ORANGE, orange, you’re waited so long. Fly right in, where you belong.
Butterflies, butterflies, you’re such a sight! Flying together – what a delight!
Credit: Miss Meg’s Storytime

Flannelboard: “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”

Fingerplay: “My Friend Caterpillar”
My friendly caterpillar (fingers crawl up arm)
Made its cocoon one day (close hands together)
It turned into a butterfly (open hands with thumbs hooked)
And quickly flew away (flap hands)
Credit: SurLaLune Storytime

Song: “The Life of a Butterfly” (Tune: Skip to My Lou)
I’m a caterpillar, wiggle with me
I’m a caterpillar, wiggle with me
I’m a caterpillar, wiggle with me
What’ll I be my darlin’?
(A chrysalis, now sleep with me / A butterfly, come fly with me)
Credit: Songs for Children


This foam kit was one that we randomly found in the “Odds and Ends” supply cabinet. I decided to use it in storytime!

How It Went

I had a great time in this storytime. The kids were super active during our songs, but settled down nicely for the stories. Favorite book was “Butterfly, Butterfly” — it’s a never ending crowd pleaser complete with pop-up at the end! They really had a good time guessing the with the flannelboard, too!


The Plan


The Cow Loves Cookies by Karma Wilson
The Duckling Wants a Cookie by Mo Willems
If You Give a Mouse a Cookie by Laura Numeroff
Mr. Cookie Baker by Monica Wellington

Extension Activities

Flannelboard: “Cookie Match-Up”

Flannelboard: “Down Around the Corner”
Down around the corner in the bakery shop
Were five yummy cookies with sprinkles on top
Along comes (child’s name) with a dollar to pay
He/she buys a cookie and takes it away
(continue with four, three, two, and one)

Action Rhyme: “Making Cookies”
I am making cookie dough, round and round the beaters go (make round motion)
Add some flour from a cup, stir and stir the batter up (pour and stir)
Roll them and cut them, nice and neat, put them on a cookie sheet (as says)
Bake them and count them, 1 2 3, and serve them to your friends for tea! (count)
Credit: Sunflower Storytime

Action Rhyme: “Who Stole the Cookies?”
Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar?
Kitty stole the cookies from the cookie jar.
Who me? Yes, you!
Couldn’t be? Than who?
Credit: Childhood

Fingerplay: “Pat-a-Cake”
Credit: Childhood


Another kit from Oriental Trading, clearly marketed to go with the Numeroff book. This was a great craft idea. It was all self-adhesive and very easy to put together.

How It Went

You want a guaranteed hit? Do cookies! Kids LOVE cookies, and they loved all the cookie books. One of the little boys recited “If You Give a Mouse” along with me. My flannelboard was a lot of fun. I went through “Down Around the Corner” three times so that every kid got to “buy” a cookie.


The Plan


Are You a Horse? by Andy Rash
Clip Clop by Nicola Smee
Horseplay! by Karma Wilson
In My Barn by Sara Gillingham & Lorena Siminovich

Extension Activities

Flannelboard Activity: Color Matching Horses

Action Rhyme: “I Gave My Horse an Apple”
I gave my horse an apple, (pretend to give something)
And she gave me a neigh. (neigh)
I gave my horse a carrot, (pretend to give something)
And she moved her head this way. (move head up and down)
I gave my horse a sugar lump, (pretend to give something)
She gave me a smile. (smile big)
And then she took me for a ride,
For more than half a mile. (slap hands on thighs like galloping)
Credit: Storytime in a Box

Fingerplay: “Ten Galloping Horses”
Ten galloping horses, (hold up ten fingers)
Came through town. (slap hands on legs like galloping)
Five were white, (hold up five fingers)
And five were brown. (hold up five fingers on other hand)
They galloped up, (slap up toward top of thighs)
They galloped down, (slap down toward knees)
Ten galloping horses, (hold up ten fingers)
Came through town. (slap hands on legs like galloping)
Credit: King County Library System

Prop Song: “She’ll Be Coming Round the Mountain”


This was a craft kit that we purchased from Oriental Trading. The whole kit was self-stick adhesive foam and super easy to put together. Kids were able to do the craft themselves and it gave them a lot of confidence. Their confidence definitely showed when they showed me the final project!

How It Went

This theme was such a great theme for storytime — the kids LOVE horses and it shows. Really, all of the books that I read were wonderful choices and really captured the attention of the kids. “Are You a Horse?” probably got the most laughs, and “Clip Clop” is a favorite that many of the kids have seen before. The prop that I made was one of the best decisions ever because it really engaged them during “She’ll Be Coming Round the Mountain.” Once again, a really great storytime.

Letter S!

The Plan


Color Zoo by Lois Ehlert
Mouse’s First Snow by Lauren Thompson
Pete the Cat: Rocking In My School Shoes by Eric Litwin
Where Is the Green Sheep? by Mem Fox and Judy Horacek
The Very Busy Spider by Eric Carle

Extension Activities

Flannelboard Puzzle: “Letter S”

Flannelboard: “Five Red Strawberries”
Five red strawberries, sweet to the core.
Bear came and ate one and then there were four.
Four red strawberries, growing near a tree.
Bear came and ate one and then there were three.
Three red strawberries, for you and you and you.
Bear came and ate one, and then there were two.
Two red strawberries, sitting in the sun.
Bear came and ate one and then there was one.
One red strawberry, left all alone.
Bear came and ate it and then there were none.

Song: “Baby Shark”
Baby shark, do-do doot-doot
Baby shark, do-do doot-doot
Baby shark, do-do doot-doot, doo
(Repeat with Mama Shark, Papa Shark, and Grandpa Shark. Baby Shark is done with two hands, wrists touching to make a shark mouth. Mama Shark is slightly bigger, Papa Shark is bigger than Mama. For Grandpa Shark, fold fingers in and clap with no teeth.)

Song with Props: “Baa Baa Black Sheep”
Baa, baa black sheep, have you any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full
One for the farmer and one for the dame
And one for the little boy who lives down the lane
Baa, baa black sheep, have you any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full
(repeat with blue, red, and green sheep)

Song: “Itsy Bitsy Spider”


We made snakes with squares and stars. All of the foam stickers were left over from previous crafts, so this was kind of up-cycling for us!

How It Went

Storytime is continuing to be a bit hectic during the daycare transition from old teacher to new teachers, along with the new classroom ages and kids. This week’s was better than last, so I think things are looking up! “Where Is the Green Sheep?” was the hit of storytime, along with my strawberries flannelboard. I had Applesauce, our storytime mascot, eat the berries off of the board and that left the kids in hysterics!