Tag: winter 2013-2014


The Plan



Chew, Chew, Gulp! By Lauren Thompson
Crepes by Suzette by Monica Wellington
Like Butter on Pancakes by Jonathan London
Pancakes, Pancakes by Eric Carle

Extension Activities

Flannelboard: “Who Wants a Pancake?”
Who wants a pancake, piping hot?
“I’ll take the one with butter on top.”
Who wants a pancake, fresh off the griddle?
“I’ll take the one with butter in the middle.”
(More toppings: syrup, blueberries, strawberries, sugar)

Action Rhyme: “Mix a Pancake”
Mix a pancake;
stir a pancake;
pop it in a pan;
fry a pancake;
toss a pancake;
catch it if you can!
Credit: Jbrary

Fingerplay: “Pat-a-Cake”
Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake
Pancake man!
Make me a pancake as fast as you can
Roll it and pat it
And mark it with a “B”
And put it in the pan for baby and me!
Credit: Modified from Childhood

Song: “The Pancake Man” (Tune: Muffin Man)
Credit: Modified from Childhood


I got this idea from Mollie at What Happens In Storytime and the original idea came from EstherStorytimes.

How It Went

Well, it didn’t! This was a planned storytime from before I left my old job. I thought since I did the work and made the plan that I would just go ahead and post it anyways.


The Plan



Boy + Bot by Ame Dyckman
Doug Unplugged by Dan Yaccarino
Junkyard by Mike Austin
Robots, Everywhere by Denny Hebson
Sometimes I Forget You’re a Robot by Sam Brown

Extension Activities

Flannelboard: “Five Noisy Robots”
Five noisy robots in the big toy shop,
Shiny and tall with antennae on the top.
Along came a girl with a penny one day.
Bought a noisy robot and took it away.
(continue with 4, 3, 2, 1 noisy robots)

App: “Toca Robot Lab”

Action Rhyme: “I Am a Robot”
I am a robot (march in place with ‘robot arms’)
I am a robot
Clank Clank (bend forward and back at waist)
Clank Clank (bend side-to-side at waist)
ZZZZZZZrt (Raise arms up while shaking them)
CRASH (Either fall, or ‘lose power’ or clap)
Credit: Future Librarian Superhero

Song: “If You’re a Robot”
If you’re a robot and you know it
Clank your coils (clap hands)
Clunk your gears (stomp feet)
Press your buttons (“Beep beep”)
Credit: Future Librarian Superhero


This was a craft kit from Michaels that I bought on clearance a few years back.

How It Went

Well, it didn’t! This was a planned storytime from before I left my old job. I thought since I did the work and made the plan that I would just go ahead and post it anyways.


The Plan



Bunny Money by Rosemary Wells
The Great Pet Sale by Mick Inkpen
Out and About at the Bank by Nancy Attebury
You Can’t Buy a Dinosaur With a Dime by Harriet Ziefert

Extension Activities

Flannelboard: “Down Around the Corner”

Fingerplay: “Three Little Dollars”
Three little dollars in a wallet new,
I bought a box of crayons,
And then there were two.
Two little dollars, and before the day was done,
I bought some cookies,
And then there was one.
One little dollar, I heard it plainly say,
“I’m going into the piggy bank for a rainy day!”
Credit: Can Teach (was originally “Three Little Nickels”) via What Happens In Storytime

Song: I Had a Shiny Dime (to the tune of “The Farmer in the Dell”)
I had a shiny dime, (hold up right index finger)
I had a shiny dime,
I put it in my piggy bank, (make circle with thumb and fingers of left hand, put index finger into opening)
To spend another time.
Credit: Ready to Read at ALPL


How It Went

Well, it didn’t! This was a planned storytime from before I left my old job. I thought since I did the work and made the plan that I would just go ahead and post it anyways. I did have plans to paperclip the non-fiction book “Out and About at the Bank” though, since it was probably going to be too long for storytime.


The Plan



Counting Ovejas by Sarah Weeks
Everywhere the Cow Says Moo! by Ellen Slusky Weinstein
Say, Hello! by Rachel Isadora
Where’s Spot? By Eric Hill

Extension Activities

Flannelboard: Braille Match

Flannelboard: “Ratoncito, Ratoncito”

Action Rhyme: “My Hands Say Thank You” (Sign THANK YOU)
My hands say thank you with a clap, clap, clap
My feet say thank you with a tap, tap, tap
My head says thank you with a shake, shake, shake
My heart says thank you with a kiss to take
Credit: American Library Association

Song: “Frere Jacques”
Frère Jacques, frère Jacques,
Dormez-vous ? Dormez-vous ?
Sonnez les matines! Sonnez les matines!
Ding, daing, dong. Ding, daing, dong.
Credit: Childhood

Song: “Los Pollitos Dicen”
Los pollitos dicen, pío, pío, pío,
Cuando tienen hambre, cuando tienen frío.
La gallina busca, el maíz y el trigo,
Les dá la comida, y les presta abrigo.
Credit: Library School


I put out foam stickers and let the families spell out whatever words in whatever languages they wanted to!

How It Went

Thursday morning
This was a bittersweet storytime because it was my very last at my old job. It was an amazing theme to go out on, and I was so proud of the materials I found and used. Our favorite book was “Where’s Spot?” — which I had on the easel so I could sign the book as I read it. I did focus a bit more on Spanish since that’s our largest language population. I really enjoyed singing in French and Spanish — I could have also done Latin or German, but I figured they didn’t want to hear Carmina Burana or Stille Stille Stille!

Hats & Mittens!

The Plan



One Mitten by Kristine O’Connell George
Red Hat by Lita Judge
The Three Little Kittens by Jerry Pinkney
Under My Hood I Have a Hat by Karla Kuskin

Extension Activities

Flannelboard: “Froggy Gets Dressed”

Flannelboard: “Mitten Match”

Action Rhyme: Mittens
Mittens for the snow time when the world is white
Mittens for my two hands (hold out two hands)
Mittens left or right (show left and right)
Mittens with a thumb place (show thumb)
Mittens warm and snug
Mittens make me feel like a bug in a rug (hug self)
Credit: Perpetual Preschool

Song: Winter Pokey (To the Tune of Hokey-Pokey)
You put your right mitten in,
You take your right mitten out.
You put your right mitten in,
And you shake it all about.
You do the winter pokey, [shiver] and you turn yourself around.
That’s what it’s all about!
Other verses: boots, scarf, hat, snowsuit
Credit: Modified from Childhood


This tissue paper craft was another Oriental Trading craft kit that I bought years ago when it was on clearance. I prepped this craft by attaching the foam outline to the acetate sheet with hot glue so all the preschoolers had to do was glue down the tissue paper with gluesticks, which they love doing.

How It Went

Thursday morning
No one showed up! It was a Polar Vortex week and sometimes these things happen!

Friday morning
The kids loved doing the Winter Hokey Pokey — we probably could have done three or four rounds of it! Their favorite book was definitely “Under My Hood, I Have a Hat”, with “One Mitten” as a fairly close second. They loved matching the mittens on the flannelboard and laughed uproariously when they realized Froggy forgot his underwear.


The Plan



Bunny Mail by Rosemary Wells
The Day the Crayons Quit by Drew Daywalt
Mail Carriers At Work by Karen Latchana Kenney
The Postman by Rosalinda Kightley

Extension Activities

Flannelboard: “Six Little Valentines”
Six little Valentines were sent to my house,
The first one said, “I love you, From Mouse.”
Five little Valentines in my mailbox,
The second one said, “Be mine, Love Fox.”
Four little Valentines full of love,
The third one said, “You are sweet, From Dove.”
Three little Valentines just for me,
The fourth one said, “Be my honey, Love Bee.”
Two little Valentine’s mailed with care,
The fifth one said, “Here’s a hug, From Bear.”
The last little Valentine, from my friend Jay,
This one said, “Happy Valentine’s Day!”
Credit: Busy Crafting Mommy

Action Rhyme: “Early In the Morning”
Early in the morning at eight o’clock
You can hear the postman knock
Up jumps Ella to open the door
One letter, two letter, three letter, four
Credit: Jbrary

Action Song: Mailing Letters (Tune: “The Mulberry Bush”)
(Write a letter, stamp a letter, mail a letter)
This is the way we mail a letter,
Mail a letter, mail a letter.
This is the way we mail a letter,
So early in the morning.
Credit: A to Z Kids Stuff


This was another Oriental Trading craft kit. The mailboxes open and close and inside I had tucked the letter I had written and had translated for parents that I was leaving the library in two weeks. The storytime was planned months and months ago to coincide right around Valentine’s Day and it came to me as I was going through the job interview process that I needed to find a way to say goodbye — the mailbox was the perfect platform to start the conversation with my families.

How It Went

Thursday morning
I barely remember anything about this storytime since I was so, so nervous to start telling families that I was leaving. I was prepared for tears and angry words and…it was absolutely nothing like that. My families were sad, but happy for me. They had lots of questions about my new library and well wishes and made sure to let me know I’d be missed. That is always what I will remember from this storytime — that outpouring of love and support.

Friday morning
This storytime I remember much better since I didn’t have the jitters from the day before. “Bunny Mail” was the most successful book and they loved the “Early In the Morning” rhyme. As always, this group loves a guessing game and really enjoyed the flannelboard as well.


The Plan



Dino-Football by Lisa Wheeler
Dunk Skunk by Michael Rex
If I Were a Jungle Animal by Tom and Amanda Ellery
Sergio Saves the Game!

Extension Activities

Flannelboard: “Big, Bigger, Biggest”
A little ball, a bigger ball,
And a great big ball I see
Now help me count them,
One, two, three!
Credit: Debmonn PB Wiki

Fingerplay: “Five Little Footballs”
Five little footballs trying hard to score.
One makes a touchdown. (touchdown arms, put one finger down)
Hear the crowd roar! (cheer)
Credit: Storytime With Ms. Kelly

Song: “Take Me Out to the Ballgame”
Take me out to the ballgame
Take me out to the crowd
Buy me some peanuts and crackerjacks
I don’t care if I ever get back
Let’s root, root, root for the home team
If they don’t win, it’s a shame
And it’s one, two, three strikes, you’re out
At the old ballgame!
Credit: Childhood


I ordered both pennants and foam stickers from Oriental Trading and let the kids go crazy. Basically, it was the best kid day ever.

How It Went

Thursday morning
I did this storytime in-between the Super Bowl and the start of the Winter Olympics. The group really enjoyed “Sergio Saves the Game” since I work in a huge soccer fan area. We talked about how soccer is fútbol in the Spanish language, but in America football is a completely different sport.

Friday morning
The kids were SO EXCITED to try and guess the next word in “Dunk Skunk.” There was lots of enthusiastic shouting, which is just how I like my storytimes. This group had a great time playing along with “Five Footballs” and I also had a lot of loud singers during “Take Me Out to the Ballgame.”