Babies: Counting

For more information on how I plan and prepare my baby storytimes, check out this introduction post. And for a complete list of the baby rhymes/bounces/lifts/etc., visit this post. I starred the materials used in the plan; multiple stars indicate use for more than one session.

The Plan

For baby time, my library passes out individual copies of board books to each caregiver/child pair. I typically keep two or three to the side of me in case a baby tries to grab my copy. I read face out; caregivers read to their children.


Butterfly Colors and Counting by Jerry Pallotta**
Corduroy’s Day by Lisa McCue*
Counting Peas by Rosemary Wells**

Early Literacy Tip

Even though babies will not actually understand number words and concepts, rhymes with numbers prepare them for the idea of numbers and for counting by rote or imitation.

Flannelboard: Shape Game

I used the first three numbers from my “Pretty Ladybugs” flannelboard. I taped them together so they would stay. Before I took the shapes off the board, I talked with the babies about how many shapes were on the board. So, we counted shapes before we took them away.

Repeating Extension Activities

  • Bouncing, Bouncing**
  • Cheek Chin**
  • Icka Bicka Soda Cracker**
  • Peek-a-Boo**
  • Round and Round the Garden*

How It Went

Tuesday & Thursday morning
There are absolutely no notes for these sessions and I’m pretty sure I know why: I was a little bittersweet in both storytimes this week. I wasn’t sure if it was my last baby storytime for a while or not. I really felt like I had finally hit the groove of baby storytimes. Luckily, I was able to also do baby storytime in the summer! Look for those starting next week!

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